Latest news 
- Finally, our paper "Resonant Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of a Single-Molecule Kondo System" got accepted in the ACS Nano :-)
- Time-resolution on single phtalocyanine accepted in Nano Letters!
- Our new paper about exciton-libron coupling got featured in Nature Communications :-)
- Light-Matter Workshop 2022 sucessfully finished!
Research lines
In the Scanning Probe Luminescence Microscopy Lab, we combine ultra-high vacuum low-temperature scanning probe microscopy with optical spectroscopy to investigate fundamental physical properties of single molecules interfaced with materials in their solid state.
We apply tip-enhanced optical spectroscopy to pursue these lines of research:
- Investigation and control of luminescence on single molecules
- Proof-of-concept single-molecular devices
- Aggregates of molecular emitters
- Mechanical, electronic and vibronic properties of molecules
- Correlation of luminescence with high-resolution STM/AFM imaging
- Photocurrent investigation on single atoms and molecules
- Single-molecule Raman spectroscopy, vibrational mode mapping inside a molecule